HELP Needed

We, as parents, write this not only to inform you about Christopher’s current health situation, but also as a request for you or someone you might know that might be able to help him.

In May 2017, Christopher was admitted to ICU with a ruptured appendix. He suffered peritonitis, contaminating his body blood supply. It was several days before they found an antibiotic that his body responded to positively. However, the price of using this drug, despite its success in treating him for this condition, was the failure to his kidneys. Basically, his kidneys shut down.

He remained in hospital for a further two weeks. Christopher started a schedule of having dialysis 12 hours a week. After a six month wait to see if his kidneys would restart, it was decided that he would be a good candidate for transplant.

He underwent the preliminary tests to ascertain whether his body would accept a donor kidney. Today, February 27th 2018, we received the news that he is finally confirmed to be a good candidate for transplant.

Our request to you is, whether you considered becoming a live donor and/or distribute this request to anyone who could to donate a kidney to Christopher.

They can click on the link below and start the process of ascertaining eligibility. The link is an online health history questionnaire. You will need to know your accurate weight and height to proceed.

To initiate donor qualification, please go to: and complete the questionnaire.

I know that this is a serious request and you may have lots of questions. There is a living donor team available to answer any questions: 214-645-1919 or

Perhaps, you could also share this on your Facebook page. We, as parents or Christopher, will not have any knowledge of who will use the link and fill in the questionnaire, total medical privacy is preserved.

I would like to thank each one of you for your attention and support in this matter.

Thank you for your kind and generous consideration. Marc and Pramala Mourier